Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Random thoughts and rambles

This picture is from November, but it was just developed.  No new pictures this week.  Sorry.

Craziness-the word that describes this week

I don't have enough in me left to develop a cohesive entry today, so here is what is popping in my head as I write.

Carter got mad at me for the first time this week. He raised his fists in the air and clenched his entire body while he grunted.  Then he went into the living room, stood up alongside the couch buried his face in the cushion.  He's only 11 months old. Oh brother....

He has been sick as a dog.  Antibiotics, eye drops, allergy medicine, and asthma medicine.  I'm so glad he is getting back to his normal self. (and that the snot is slowing down...)

Four teeth fill his mouth now.  When he smiles I can see them.  I don't like it at all.  They make him look like a boy, not a baby.

His hair is brown.  I just really noticed it tonight.

He likes to dance, and he really likes when I dance like a crazy woman in front of him.

Carter can open drawers now.  I need to find a day to baby proof-SOON!

He is going to be the best Baby Jesus in church Sunday School program history.  I will try to post the video in a few weeks.  I almost cried today watching it.

He loves the dog more and more each day.  This worries me.  I hope the dog can learn to love him and not nip when Carter finally gets ahold of him.

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