Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Just last week I was telling one of the fabulous ladies at daycare that Carter was "teething challenged."  This kid has been teething on and off since he was three months old with nothing to show for it.  Anyhow, as I was saying this, I poked my finger in this mouth and was REALLY surprised to find a tooth popping through.  FINALLY!  Needless to say, Carter has been very vocal in letting us know his tooth is coming through.  On top of this he also had a cold, which is getting better now. 

I didn't want to take him trick-or-treating this year (partly because it is too cold and partly because people would know we were doing it only to get the candy for ourselves!!!)  I couldn't resist buying him a costume though.  Instead we had a great dinner at Pam and Frank's and helped them and Eric pass out candy.  Carter was very interested in watching all the little kids walk up in their costumes.  He also LOVES their dog Chief and could be kept busy for a very long time playing with him. 

Carter is growing and changing so quickly.  He has mastered the art of standing up while holding onto furniture and is getting braver about walking down the length of the couch. He still thinks he is dying when he falls (which makes me VERY nervous about when he starts to walk).  He moves constantly, rotating from belly to sitting to a four-legged butt in the air yoga pose to kneeling to standing... With all this exercise he is napping much better these days!

Mr. Carter eats everything in sight.  He hasn't met a food he doesn't like.  There are some textures that will bother him after a few bites but even that is getting less frequent.  I am preparing for the days when he will bring his friends over after school and eat us out of house and home.

My favorite part about this age is that, even when he is so busy playing and moving, he will occasionally stop, look at me very seriously, grab both sides of my face (or my hair), and give me a nice, slobbery kiss.  It melts my heart every time!  To be honest, pretty much anything he does makes me realize how lucky I am.

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